🎁A truly unique gift🎁

A very special gift for mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, siblings or friends.

Personalize now

The perfect gift for any occasion.

Of course, we want to support our loved ones in every situation. Whether they are enjoying a special moment of happiness or perhaps feeling down because something is going wrong - we are by their side. Nevertheless, we don't always have the opportunity to be there immediately. But what if... something is already at the fingertips in those moments?

The β€žBook of Solutions" is a very personal and colourful emergency kit for all kinds of situations in life. It will comfort and support you - and sometimes even make you smile πŸ™‚



A personalised gift with a handmade character

The Book of Solutions comes in a modern do-it-yourself style with sticky notes and decorative adhesive tape.

βœ“ You can freely design the cover with your own text and images

βœ“ 48-page workbook for many original life-situations

βœ“ The sentences can be enhanced with your own texts, drawings or glued-in items

βœ“ The blank pages invite you to get creative yourself

βœ“ Sturdy paper that is easy to write on

βœ“ Paper, FSC-certified for the sake of the environment

βœ“ Dimensions: 21cm x 21cm

Personalize now
  • 🎁 Thousands of sales

    Our books for friends, partners, parents and grandparents have been customised thousands of times! Create your own β€žBook of Solutions" today and enjoy maximum excitement!

  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Perfectly customised

    Whether for a boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, neighbour or colleague: with the Book of Solutions you can create a truly unique, fun and personalised gift for almost any occasion.

What our customers are saying

  • "Absolutely fantastic! The Book of Solution was a real hit at my best friend's surprise party. Everyone wanted to know where I had bought this amazing gift. 5 stars for this brilliant idea! Thank you so much! :)"


  • "I gave the book to my partner and we spent the whole evening exploring each page. It was not only funny, but also very emotional. I recommend it, I really do! Five stars."


  • "I received this book as a gift from my very best friend, and It touched the bottom of my heart. It is a great way to feel close to someone, especially when you are far away. Every page is like a hug from far away. :-) 5 stars."


  • β€žThe Book of Solutions has become my favourite gift for any occasion. Whether it's for a birthday or a difficult moment, it always makes people smile. Great idea."


  • "Excellent quality, fast delivery and a great joy. I will definitely order it again."


Designing the solution book: this is how it works

The video below shows you how you can create your very own personalised Book of Solutions. You don't need much. Simply stick beautiful, colourful objects in the book, such as sweets, sparklers or streamers. It can be anything you can think of. The main thing is that it's colourful and you have fun ;-)

  • ⭐ Quality products

    We are constantly testing and improving our books to offer you the best products available on the market.

  • 🚚 Fast delivery

    Your book will reach you within 2-6 days.

  • πŸ›ŽοΈ Top service

    We always ensure excellent and fast customer service. Our customers rate our service as excellent.